pleijlisti Take Me Home!! um mig

september 21, 2008

And you thought it was the End of the world when the rain ruined your hair. To those I hold dear.



Mikið uppáhalds er sænska indí bandið Moofish catfish. Tekið af plötunni 'On a sunbeam to your heart' sem kom út á þessu ári.

Moofish Catfish - At The Club [mp3]
Moofish Catfish - Crocodile Tears [mp3]


Another Sunny Day - You Should All Be Murdered [mp3]
Another Sunny Day - I'm In Love With A Girl Who Doesn't Know I Exist [mp3]


Jæks. Hálf dramatísk stemming í þessum lögum. The Garlands koma til bjargar.

The Garlands - David [mp3]
The Garlands - Your words are still stuck in my head [mp3]


hafsteinn michael.jpg


Já, eða þetta.

Justice - Planisphere Part 2 [mp3]

Blöögað þann 21.09.08 15:47 | Kommentar (0)